Uniquely talented User Experience and Creative Director with a proven record of developing interactive apps and tools for the world’s most recognized brands. Leader in concept and service design for complex interactive initiatives. Award-winning designer with an emphasis on cross-platform app design and online branding. Excels at motivating and inspiring teams to deliver superb creative work under tight deadlines.
RetroSpecs Branding
AgriPure Branding
Volkswagen Mobile
Honda Odyssey
Appointment Masters
Butter Lane
Social Distortion
Padgett Communications
Norgard Insurance Group
Custom Cycles LTD
Quick Closings 123
Dr. Brett Beckman
Everything Events
Marianne Gordon
MMA Lite
Roaring Twinz
Honda E-Commerce
Direct Mail Solutions
Renzo Gracie Rockland
Volkswagen USA
The basis of the top-down design method is to create a desktop display product and then find ways to smash that content into smaller screens. During this process, most of the time, you often overload the smaller device screen real estate with far too much information…
Mobile users generally fall into one of two camps: hunters (who want to find a specific piece of information or do a specific task quickly) and gatherers (looking to browse around or fill time, and less concerned about a specific outcome).. If your audience are hunters,
It is imperative that a clean and easy user experience is implemented early on and throughout the whole development process. The longer you wait to implement best UX processes and strategies, the more changes you will have to make down the road and it will cost you a lot more time and money to re-do what has already been done poorly. UX should be one of the highest priorities on your list