
Bottom-up good, Top-down bad…

The basis of the top-down design method is to create a desktop display product and then find ways to smash that content into smaller screens. During this process, most of the time, you often overload the smaller device screen real estate with far too much information…

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Make a better mobile experience

Mobile users generally fall into one of two camps: hunters (who want to find a specific piece of information or do a specific task quickly) and gatherers (looking to browse around or fill time, and less concerned about a specific outcome).. If your audience are hunters,

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5 Easy to fix UX Mistakes

It is imperative that a clean and easy user experience is implemented early on and throughout the whole development process. The longer you wait to implement best UX processes and strategies, the more changes you will have to make down the road and it will cost you a lot more time and money to re-do what has already been done poorly. UX should be one of the highest priorities on your list

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Should I design “Mobile First”?

The biggest and most key aspect of mobile first design philosophies is “Progressive Enhancement”. In earlier forays into desktop to mobile schemes as well as responsive design methods focused on shoving the content from the desktop experience into a tiny little screen…

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UX is 20% Technology, 80% Psychology

The biggest and most key aspect of mobile first design philosophies is “Progressive Enhancement”. In earlier forays into desktop to mobile schemes as well as responsive design methods focused on shoving the content from the desktop experience into a tiny little screen

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Coffee Shop Usability Testing

There is a great alternative to in-lab testing – ‘Coffee Shop’ guerilla usability tests. All you need is a laptop, specific questions and goals, a friendly personality and a hand full of $5 gift cards.

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What Exactly is User Experience?

If something works well for you, a can opener, an elevator’s controls, a web site etc., Thats a good user experience. A bad User Experience simply means something doesn’t work well for you.

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Device UX should define the Web UX

We are asking developers to support more devices than they even know exist. The end result is that nothing really get’s tested the way it should and even worse: a huge number of devices people use every day haven’t even been considered

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Split A/B Testing.. Right for you?

During any website usability study a number of usability problems are often found. Any organization can go round and round trying to determine the best way to fix issues, with no one really knowing the optimal solution.

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